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CBH-French Update

Since the tragic death of our CBH French host, Daniel N’goran, our team in Cote d’Ivoire has been putting together a new strategy for the ongoing ministry of CBH there. We are very excited to announce that the team is placing programs back on the air!

The current team produces thirteen programs in each production session using a team made up of three technicians and four moderators. Each series of thirteen broadcasts is based on one central theme with individual sub-themes. Our current theme is suffering. Soon we will be broadcasting programs based upon our next theme of victorious living.

The production is truly a team approach! We have four moderators being trained— two in Abidjan and two in Yamoussoukro. We are thrilled to continue broadcasting Hope to the French speakingnations of West Africa!

Please continue to pray for the new CBH French oversight team which is in place, working along side our missionary, Larry Sellers.

Daniel N'Goran in the CBH Anderson, Indiana studio in 2013


Larry Sellers works alongside a full team of West Africa natives to proclaim the message of Christ.


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