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JANUARY 4-16, 2025                  STARTING AT $4789


Special Note

This trip is now scheduled for January 3-15, 2026.  Registration remains open and registering now secures your spot for the 2026 trip.  Itinerary and pricing will be updated soon.

Holy Land Trip Criteria

As you consider participation in this trip, please read carefully the following cautions:


  1. You should not participate in this trip if you have any ongoing medical conditions that are not easily and consistently managed well.

  2. This trip involves lots of walking. You must be able to walk 2000 steps in a single session, and 5,000-10,000 steps on a given day, over uneven walking surface including steps.

  3. You will be traveling in a beautiful charter bus. Mobility while getting in and out of the bus, multiple times a day, is something you must be able to navigate without issue.

  4. Travel flexibility is a must. While we make our plans well, often circumstances on the ground require us to adjust along the way.


The importance of self-awareness, in the above mentioned areas, helps to insure your personal safety and quality of experience as well as the experience of your fellow travelers. Please give these items careful reflection.

Mount of Olives
Caesarea by the Sea
Dead Sea
At Sea Level
Mt. Nebo

Manger Square, Bethlehem


Is there anywhere better to be on Christmas Eve than Bethlehem? The very place God came down as a baby to begin his mission on earth and save humankind all those nights ago.


Sit under the stars and hear the sheep bleat softly in the Shepherd's Field, untouched, it seems, by time. Or, explore the streets and join the thousands of believers uniting as one to celebrate this holy night.





The Sea of Galilee


It is the place where the majority of Jesus' adult ministry occurred. Stand on the banks where Jesus called Peter, James and John to be fishers of men. Sail on a vessel right to the center of the lake. As the engine slows and you feel the gentle rock of the lake, let your mind wander to the day the disciples saw Jesus appear through the mist, walking on water.

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Petra is an ancient city famed for its architecture and rose-hue rock formations. The city is believed to have been constructed around 312 BC and was unknown to the Western world until 1812.


Besides being one of the wonders of the world, Petra is also known for the filming location of Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. Located in the southern region of the country, it remains Jordan's most popular tourist destination. 

Via Dolorosa


The Way of Suffering. Walk the steps of Jesus as He carried the cross through the streets of Jerusalem. See where He fell, once, twice, three times. Watch the narrative come to life before your very eyes.


The Empty Tomb


The story only begins at the Via Dolorosa. Visit a tomb similar to the one Mary visited when she found it empty. Hear the birds and feel the peace about the place. Take communion next to the tomb and feel the joy of redemption overwhelm you with peace.


The Mount of Olives

The Mount of Olives

Look down on Jerusalem at the place where Jesus wept over the city (Luke 19:41)

Sycamore Tree

Sycamore Tree

Can you imagine Zacchaeus among the branches, a crowd below, straining to see a glimpse of Jesus?



Built by Herod the Great roughly 30 years before Christ, Masada is a fortress carved in the mountain. The mighty ramp designed to siege the fortress during the First Jewish-Roman War remains.

The Dead Sea

The Dead Sea

The Dead Sea is roughly 10x saltier than the ocean and unable to sustain animal life, and thus, from where it derives its name.

The Land of Milk and Honey

The Land of Milk and Honey

Stand atop Mount Nebo and look upon the land of milk and honey as Moses did. The green you see in the distance is that land - Jericho.



Herod the Great's port city, Caesarea, stands as a transition from the narrative of Jesus to the journeys of Paul and the early Church.

The Roman Theatre

The Roman Theatre

Here's a fun game for the next time you're in Caesarea - if one person sits on one side of the theatre, and another sits on the other, you can hear a whisper from across the theatre. Now that's acoustics!

Tel Megiddo

Tel Megiddo

Revelation foretells the end times, mentioning Megiddo as the stage upon which the last battles will occur.

Still not sure? Give us a call


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