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Beyond the Walls

Dear ministry partners,

Today, we are presented with new ministry opportunities through the combination of powerful Christian radio stations, the Internet, and new technology that allows us to stream a radio message and share the love of Christ Jesus.

We diligently strife with passion to share a message that will touch the lives of hurting people, unsaved people, and others who are not able to attend a church service. We seek to go beyond the four walls of the church. It is wonderful to minister one on one through the air waves and the Internet. What a tremendous blessing to share with every radio listener a positive message of love, hope, and God’s grace.

Recent letters from listeners:

Luis writes from a prison in Calexico, California letting us know that he is a new Christian and listens to our program. He desires to grow in his new faith and is requesting Spanish materials that will help him as he begins a new life in Christ.

Maria writes to us from Mexico: “Pastor Davila, I thank God for you and all the co-laborers of HC. I am a listener of “Radio Manantial” and enjoy your messages. Every Sunday I join in your prayer time. I continue to pray for your radio ministry during the week.


Gilbert Davila

CBH-Spanish Host

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