AUG. 23 - SEPT. 2, 2019 $2450 PLUS AIRFARE
We invite you
to join Christians Broadcasting Hope as we
visit Nabil's home country of Lebanon; a destination full of interesting Biblical and religious sites to discover. Lebanon is a fascinating nation, steeped in history, a land of rich natural beauty, breathtaking sceneries, cultural, and faith diversity. It is the only country in the Middle East where one can find lifestyle, nightlife, and entertainment facilities like those encountered in Western countries, while also enjoying oriental traditions deeply rooted in the society.
Three things you can expect form this trip; 1) a crash course in history and religious studies, 2) become a connoisseur in Middle Eastern cuisine, 3) and above all, the words of the Bible will come to life as you experience Biblical sites and the work of the local church. Register now to save your seat on a trip that will unveil the secrets of the Middle East.
Nabil Safi
CBH Arabic Host - Kello Tamam
John Walters
Director of Christians Broadcasting Hope
Beruit, Lebanon
Worship with the first Church of God congregation in Beruit, the Capital of Lebanon. Visit the downtown, and heart of the Orient where recent excavations retrace the history of the city from the Canaanite and Phoenician periods. The old city is also a center to many Christian and Muslim religious sites.
The Cedars of Lebanon
Climb to the widely known cedar trees of Lebanon. The cedar forest of Besharreh, known as Arz El-Rab or the Cedars of the Lord, is one of the last vestiges of the extensive forests of Lebanon. This forest, with trees aging thousands of years, is also known as one of the King Solomon’s cedar sources for the Temple in Jerusalem.
The Bekaa Valley
The Bekaa valley is the most fertile land in the region. It was the bread basket for the Romans during their reign in the Middle East. At the southern end of the valley you will be able to see Mt. Hermon rising over 6,000 feet in the distance and stretching all the way to the northern border of Israel.
The Mediterranean Sea
Enjoy an extended time on the Mediterranean Sea exploring the ruins and citadels built by several ruling empires. Visit Byblos (Jbeil), one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities, and other northern coastal cities and towns in the region offering remains from many different periods including: Neolithic, Canaanite, Phoenician, Egyptian, Mesopotamian, Greco-Roman, Byzantine, Ommiad, Frankish, Ottoman, and French Mandate.